3 Types of Masonry Walls – Philadelphia – Trenton, PA tedst

Southbrook masonry

What do you think about walls? Big walls, small walls, or functional walls? Masonry near me can help protect your home or create a new aesthetic appeal. Walls are the most critical aspect of remodeling or creating protection for your family. Beginning 6,000 years ago, masonry near me construction has set the bar high for durable structures. There are some buildings standing today that were made thousands of years ago. Southbrook Residential Masonry in Southampton, PA, which is between Philadelphia and Trenton, is a leader in their community for masonry work. What are some of the types of masonry walls?

Weight-Bearing Walls

Whether you are developing a new construction or framing an existing structure, weight-bearing walls are vital. These types of walls can be brick, stone, or concrete. This gives you choices for your design aesthetic. The international building code for load-bearing walls is 8 inches. However, the code in your specific region may be different. Southbrook Residential Masonry near me can design your wall any way you want. They are an expert masonry near me company that works with brick, stone, or concrete. Remember, if you are tearing down a wall, do not remove a weight-bearing wall because your roof could collapse.

Reinforced Masonry Walls

These types of walls are reinforced with steel inside the mortar or grout. Again, any style of material can be helpful on these walls. Whether it is brick, stone, or concrete, your walls will not deteriorate as quickly as other types of masonry walls. These are practical as stand-alone or near a load-bearing border to take some pressure off. Southbrook Residential Masonry near me can repair or build any style of wall you desire. They are quick and thorough.

Cavity Masonry Walls

Cavity masonry near me walls is also known as hollow walls. These kinds of walls are created to protect against structural damage, keep the dwelling temperature controlled, and prevent water damage. It is two walls next to each other. Typically, the outer wall is brick, and the inner wall can be either reinforced concrete or brick. A small air pocket between the two walls allows moisture to escape. Southbrook Residential Masonry near me can complete any masonry repair or replacement you need. This can include patios, driveways, masonry walls, or chimneys.

Call (215) 355-5474 or visit Southbrook Residential Masonry’s website to set up an appointment. You can also view any deals or pictures on the website. Don’t delay! Get your walls done today!